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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2802
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Aug-2024A Method for the Colorimetric Quantification of Sodium Lauryl Sulphate in Tablets: A Proof of ConceptPaulausks, Artūrs; Mazurs, Austris; Mohylyuk, Valentyn; Lead Researcher Group
2024“Watch and wait” strategy in rectal cancer patients with a complete clinical response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy : a single-center experienceKokaine, Linda; Radziņa, Maija; Liepa, Māra; Geriņa-Bērziņa, Aija; Sīviņa, Elīna; Nikolajeva, Jeļena; Gardovskis, Andris; Gardovskis, Jānis; Miklaševičs, Edvīns; Department of Surgery; Laboratory of Tumour Clinical and Genetic Research; RSU Institute of Oncology; Rīga Stradiņš University
19-Jul-2024From Biomechanical Properties to Morphological Variations : Exploring the Interplay between Aortic Valve Cuspidity and Ascending Aortic AneurysmBrečs, Ivars; Skuja, Sandra; Kasyanov, Vladimir; Groma, Valērija; Kalējs, Mārtiņš; Svirskis, Šimons; Ozolanta, Iveta; Stradiņš, Pēteris; Joint Laboratory of Electron Microscopy; Joint Laboratory of Traumatology and Orthopaedics; Faculty of Medicine; Institute of Microbiology and Virology
2024Latvian Municipal Budget Expenditures on Transport Infrastructure and Production in the Context of Improving the Local EconomyKomarova, Vera; Ignatjeva, Svetlana; Kudiņš, Jānis; Kokarēviča, Anita; Ostrovska, Inta; Čižo, Edmunds; Rīga Stradiņš University
8-Jul-2024Loss of Recurrent Laryngeal Papillomatosis following Postsurgical Treatment with dsRNA Interferon InducerSultanova, Alīna; Sokolovska, Lība; Čistjakovs, Maksims; Lifšics, Andrejs; Institute of Microbiology and Virology; Department of Otorhinolaryngology
22-Aug-2024Developing the teledentistry acceptance survey for dentists - TAS-D : a Delphi studyEl Tantawi, Maha; Ammar, Nour; Marino, Rodrigo; Uribe, Sergio E; Manton, David; Hugo, Fernando N; Clément, Celine; Sim, Christina P C; Maret, Delphine; Kopycka-Kedzierawski, Dorota T; Mbende, Eliane; Kruger, Estie; Lan, Romain; Doghri, Leila Larbi; Castelaz, McAllister; Alam, Mohammad Khursheed; Ibiyemi, Olushola; Naidoo, Sudeshni; Schwarz, Eli; Priya, Harsh; Braga, Mariana Minatel; Giraudeau, Nicolas; Foláyan, Morẹ Nikẹ Oluwátóyìn; Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Health
4-Aug-2024Impact of a 12-Week Dietary Intervention on Adipose Tissue Metabolic Markers in Overweight Women of Reproductive AgeErta, Gita; Gersone, Gita; Jurka, Antra; Tretjakovs, Pēteris; Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry
Jul-2024Antioxidant Status in Patients after Breast Mastopexy and AugmentationJurševičs, Kirils; Jurševičs, Eduards; Krasiļņikova, Jeļena; Šķesters, Andrejs; Lece, Anna; Skadiņš, Ingus; Department of Doctoral Studies; Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry; Scientific Laboratory of Biochemistry; Department of Biology and Microbiology
Jul-2024Relationship between Lesion Parameters after Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation in Striated Muscles and Parenchymal TissueGružienė, Aldona; Liobikas, Julius; Paparde, Artūrs; Kerzienė, Sigita; Gružaitė, Jovita; Skaudickas, Darijus; Lenčiauskas, Povilas; Circenis, Kristaps; Vaitiekaitis, Gintautas; Department of Nursing and Obstetric Care
Aug-2024The Importance of Topographical Recognition of Pulmonary Arteries in Diagnostics and Treatment of CTEPH, Based on an Analysis of a Dissected Case Model-A Pilot StudyZicans, Matiss; Kažoka, Dzintra; Pilmane, Māra; Skride, Andris; Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology; Department of Internal Diseases
Jul-2024HSV-1 and Cellular miRNAs in CSF-Derived Exosomes as Diagnostically Relevant Biomarkers for NeuroinflammationScheiber, Christian; Klein, Hans C.; Schneider, Julian M.; Schulz, Tanja; Bechter, Karl; Tumani, Hayrettin; Kapapa, Thomas; Flinkman, Dani; Coffey, Eleanor; Ross, Duncan; Čistjakovs, Maksims; Nora-Krūkle, Zaiga; Bortolotti, Daria; Rizzo, Roberta; Murovska, Modra; Schneider, E. Marion; Institute of Microbiology and Virology
Jan-2024Adolescents perception of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and associated mental health and well-being : gender, age and socioeconomic differences in 22 countriesReiss, Franziska; Cosma, Alina; Bersia, Michela; Erhart, Michael; Dalmasso, Paola; Devine, Janine; Hulbert, Sabina; Catunda, Carolina; Gobina, Inese; Giladi, Ariela; Jeriček Klanšček, Helena; Ravens-Sieberer, Ulrike; Department of Public Health and Epidemiology
21-Jun-2024Genomic and phenotypic inconsistencies in Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistome among intensive care patientsDolguševs, Mihails; Jain, Nityanand; Savicka, Oksana; Vangravs, Reinis; Bodrenko, Jevgenijs; Bergmanis, Edvins; Zemite, Dace; Selderina, Solvita; Reinis, Aigars; Rozentāle, Baiba; Department of Doctoral Studies; Statistics Unit; Department of Infectology; Department of Biology and Microbiology; Department of Public Health and Epidemiology
24-Jul-2024The Effects of Nicotine Pouches and E-Cigarettes on Oral Microbes : A Pilot StudyMiļuna-Meldere, Sintija; Rostoka, Dagnija; Broks, Renārs; Vīksne, Kristīne; Ciematnieks, Rolands; Skadiņš, Ingus; Kroiča, Juta; Department of Prosthetic Dentistry; Department of Biology and Microbiology; Scientific Laboratory of Molecular Genetics
Jul-2024Can Occupational Safety and Health Preventive Measures Taken by the Employer Influence Sleep Disturbances in Teleworkers? : Results from the Quantitative Study on Working Life with COVID-19 in LatviaMatisāne, Linda; Paegle, Diāna Inga; Paegle, Linda; Akūlova, Lāsma; Matisāne, Monta; Vanadziņš, Ivars; Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health
28-Jun-2024Osteoporotic Bone Fracture Risk Assessment in Latvian Patients with Newly Diagnosed SarcoidosisRuza, Ieva; Lucane, Zane; Vanaga, Elina; Persana, Marta; Vitenberga-Verza, Zane; Strumfa, Ilze; Department of Internal Diseases; Department of Pathology
Jun-2024Tumour Microenvironment : The General Principles of Pathogenesis and Implications in Diffuse Large B Cell LymphomaSinkarevs, Stanislavs; Strumfs, Boriss; Volkova, Svetlana; Strumfa, Ilze; Department of Pathology
27-Jun-2024Assessing Daily Intake of Indoor Air Pollutants from 3D PrintingLaicāns, Ivars; Ķibilda, Elīza; Žvagiņa, Krista; Martinsone, Žanna; Pavlovska, Ilona; Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine; Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health; Laboratory of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases
27-Jun-2024Limits of the use of artificial intelligence in law – ethical and legal aspectsKudeikina, Inga; Kaija, Sandra; Rīga Stradiņš University
2024The influenza landscape and vaccination coverage in older adults during the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic : data from Several European Countries and IsraelKassianos, George; Cohen, Jean-Marie; Civljak, Rok; Davidovitch, Nadav; Pecurariu, Oana Falup; Froes, Filipe; Galev, Andrei; Ivaskeviciene, Inga; Kõivumägi, Kadri; Kristufkova, Zuzana; Kuchar, Ernest; Kyncl, Jan; Maltezou, Helena C; Marković, Miloš; Nitsch-Osuch, Aneta; Ortiz de Lejarazu, Raul; Rossi, Alessandro; Schelling, Jörg; van Essen, Gerrit A; Zavadska, Dace; Department of Paediatrics
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2802