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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 2802
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2024Sustainable Management of Manufacturing Processes : A Literature ReviewTiuncika, Lasma; Bormane, Santa; Faculty of Social Sciences
Apr-2024Myositis as a de-novo extraintestinal manifestation of ulcerative colitis in a pediatric patient developing post-colectomy : a case reportKalēja, Kristīne; Apine, Ilze; Kaže, Inita; Department of Radiology
Jan-2024Impact of health spending on hospitalization rates in Baltic countries : a comparative analysisJiang, Huan; Tran, Alexander; Gobiņa, Inese; Petkevičienė, Janina; Reile, Rainer; Štelemėkas, Mindaugas; Radisauskas, Ricardas; Lange, Shannon; Rehm, Jürgen; Department of Public Health and Epidemiology
2024Unraveling tuberculosis patient cluster transmission chains : integrating WGS-based network with clinical and epidemiological insightsSadovska, Darja; Ozere, Iveta; Pole, Ilva; Ķimsis, Jānis; Vaivode, Annija; Vīksna, Anda; Norvaiša, Inga; Bogdanova, Ineta; Ulanova, Viktorija; Čapligina, Valentīna; Bandere, Dace; Ranka, Renāte; Department of Infectology; Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
May-2024The Influence of Tacrolimus Exposure and Metabolism on the Outcomes of Kidney TransplantsMaslauskiene, Rima; Vaiciuniene, Ruta; Radzeviciene, Aurelija; Tretjakovs, Pēteris; Gersone, Gita; Stankevicius, Edgaras; Bumblyte, Inga Arune; Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry
Apr-2024Deceased Kidney Donor Biomarkers : Relationship between Delayed Kidney Function and Graft Function Three Years after TransplantationMaslauskiene, Rima; Vaiciuniene, Ruta; Tretjakovs, Pēteris; Gersone, Gita; Radzeviciene, Aurelija; Bura, Andrejus; Stankevicius, Edgaras; Bumblyte, Inga Arune; Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry
Jun-2024Tick-borne encephalitis infections without CNS involvement : An observational study in Latvia, 2007-2022Freimane, Zane; Karelis, Guntis; Zolovs, Maksims; Zavadska, Dace; Rīga Stradiņš University; Department of Infectology; Statistics Unit
10-Jun-2024Delayed Spinal Arachnoiditis with Syringomyelia Following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage : A Case Report with Patient ExperienceJain, Nityanand; Jaunozoliņa, Līga; Putraima, Inga; Auslands, Kaspars; Millers, Andrejs; Faculty of Medicine; Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
9-Feb-2024Anxiety and Depression Symptoms among Infertile Couples Undergoing ART in Latvia : A Cross-Sectional Non-Randomized Single-Centre StudyPopkova, Darja; Bukova-Žideļūna, Aija; Ērenpreiss, Juris; Fodina, Violeta; Institute of Public Health; Rīga Stradiņš University
2-Jun-2024Insolvency Proceedings in Post-Pandemic Period, Through the Governance Sustainability PrismSavickis, Valdis; Faculty of Social Sciences
2023Versijas par etnogrāfiju 20. gadsimta 30.–40. gadu Latvijā : Ziedoņa Ligera gadījuma izpēteLūse, Agita; Faculty of Social Sciences
2009Fent barri : Heritage tourism policy and neighbourhood scaling in ciutat de MallorcaMorell, Marc
1-Sep-2023Artificial Deformity Creation as a Method for Limb Salvage for Patients with Massive Tibial and Soft Tissue Defects : A Report of 26 CasesPlotnikovs, Konstantins; Kamenska, Jekaterina; Movcans, Jevgenijs; Pasters, Vitalijs; Solomin, Leonid; Plaudis, Haralds; Department of Surgery
1-May-2024Genomic diversity of the locally developed Latvian Darkheaded sheep breedGudra, Dita; Valdovska, Anda; Kairisa, Daina; Galina, Daiga; Jonkus, Daina; Ustinova, Maija; Viksne, Kristine; Kalnina, Ineta; Fridmanis, Davids
29-Mar-2024Hemorrhagic Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome in a Pediatric Patient With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia : A Case ReportKalēja, Kristīne; Sokolovskis, Artūrs; Ziemele, Inga; Department of Paediatrics
May-2024Testing and strategies of the Anatomage Table use in teaching physical anthropologyKažoka, Dzintra; Pilmane, Māra; Danilāne, Līga; Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
2024Cilvēka dabiskais stāvoklis Hobsa, Loka un Ruso skatījumāGraudiņa, Elīna; Sīlis, Vents; Sīle, Vija; Faculty of Social Sciences
22-May-2024Doktoranta identitāte jaunā doktorantūras modeļa ieviešanā LatvijāKudeikina, Inga; Mihailovs, Ivans Jānis; Danilāne, Līga; Rīga Stradiņš University
9-May-2024Endotypes of Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Primary and Recurring Nasal Polyps in the Latvian PopulationVīksne, Rūdolfs Jānis; Sumeraga, Gunta; Pilmane, Māra; Department of Doctoral Studies; Department of Otorhinolaryngology; Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
27-Aug-2023The importance of communication in behavioural change for consumer involvement in the context of bio waste sorting in LatviaCane, Renate; Blumfelde-Rutka, Kristine; Auzina, Anita; Rīga Stradiņš University
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 2802