Title: Medicīnas un sociālo zinātņu studentu attieksme pret homoseksualitāti.
Other Titles: Medical students and students of social sciences attitude towards Homosexuality.
Authors: Velga Sudraba
Karīna Horoškeviča
Komunikācijas fakultāte
Faculty of Communications
Keywords: Atslēgas vārdi: attieksme; homoseksualitāte;medicīnas studenti;sociālo zinātņu studenti;Key words: attitude;homosexuality;students of medicine;students of social sciences
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
Rīga Stradiņš University
Abstract: Pētījuma mērķis bija noskaidrot, vai pastāv atšķirības medicīnas studentu un sociālo zinātņu studentu attieksmē pret homoseksualitāti. Pētnieciskie uzdevumi bija noskaidrot medicīnas un sociālo zinātņu studentu attieksmi pret homoseksualitāi; noskaidrot vai pastāv atšķirības medicīnas studentu un sociālo zinātņu studentu attieksmē pret homoseksualitāti; noskaidrot vai pastāv atšķirības heteroseksuālu studentu un citu seksuālo minoritāšu studentu attieksmē pret homoseksualitāti. Pētījuma aptauja sastāvēja no Attieksmes pret homoseksualitāti skalas (Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Scale, Anderson, Koc & Falomir), 2018. Latvijā aptauju adaptējusi Rūta Salmiņa, 2019. un demogrāfisko datu anketas. Pētījumā piedalījās 194 respondenti (n(siev) = 88,1%, (n(vīr) = 11,9% vecumā no 18 līdz 52 gadiem (M = 23,06 gadi). Visi respondenti bija Latvijas universitāšu medicīnas un sociālo zinātņu studenti, kuri ļoti labi pārvalda latviešu valodu / tā ir viņu dzimtā valoda. 152 respondenti bija heteroseksuāļi, bet 42 bija citu seksuālo minoritāšu pārstāvji (7 homoseksuāļi, 28 biseksuāļi, 6 panseksuāļi un 1 aseksuālis). Pētījumā tika izvirzīti trīs jautājumi par to kāda ir medicīnas un sociālo zinātņu studentu attieksme pret homoseksualitāti, vai pastāv atšķirība starp medicīnas studentu un sociālo zinātņu studentu attieksmi pret homoseksualitāti un vai pastāv atšķirības starp heteroseksuālu studentu un citu seksuālo minoritāšu studentu attieksmē pret homoseksualitāti. Darbā tika secināts, ka medicīnas un sociālo zinātņu studenti uzrādīja lielākoties pozitīvu attieksmes pret homoseksualitāti rādītāju. Tika noskaidrots, ka nepastāv nozīmīgas atšķirības attieksmē pret homosekuslaitāti starp medicīnas un sociālo zinātņu studentiem un citu seksuālo minoritāšu studenti uzrādīja positīvāku attieksmi pret homoseksualitāti kā heteroseksuāli studenti. Atslēgas vārdi: attieksme; homoseksualitāte, medicīnas studenti, sociālo zinātņu studenti
The aim of this study was to find out if there is a difference in the attitude towards homosexuality between the students of medicine and social sciences. This works tasks was to find out medicine students and students of social sciences attitude towards homosexuality, to find out if there is a difference in attitude towards homosexuality in students of medicine and students of social sciences and if there is a difference in attitude towards homosexuality between students who are heterosexual and students of other sexual minorities. The research survey consists of Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Scale, Anderson, Koc & Falomir), which was adapted to Latvian language by Rūta Salmiņa in 2019. and the survey of demographic data. There were 194 participants in this survey. 881% of which was women and 119% was men in the age of 18 – 52 (M = 23,06 years old). All of the respondents were Latvian universities students in the field of medicine and social sciences, who have very good skills of Latvian language or it is their native language. 152 of the respondents were heterosexuals, but 42 were representatives of other sexual minorities (7 of them were homosexuals, 28 were bisexuals, 6 pansexuals and one of them were asexual). There was three questions in the research. 1) What attitude towards homosexuality students of medicine and students of social sciences have. 2) If there is a difference in the attitude towards homosexuality in students of medicine and students of social sciences. 3) If there is a difference in attitude towards homosexuality between students who are heterosexual and students who are a representatives of a different sexual minority. In this work was established that students of medicine and students of social sciences have a mainly positive attitude towards homosexuality. That there is not a significant difference in attitude towards homosexuality in students of medicine and students of social sciences and that students who was a representatives of other sexual minorities showed more positive attitude towards homosexuality than students who were heterosexual.
Description: Psiholoģija
Appears in Collections:Bakalaura darbi

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