Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00617
Title: FTR83, a member of the large fish-specific finTRIM family, triggers IFN pathway and counters viral infection
Authors: Langevin, Christelle
Aleksejeva, Elina
Houel, Armel
Briolat, Valérie
Torhy, Corinne
Lunazzi, Aurélie
Levraud, Jean Pierre
Boudinot, Pierre
Keywords: Antiviral immunity;FinTRIM;FTR83;Interferon;Zebrafish;3.2 Clinical medicine;3.1 Basic medicine;1.1. Scientific article indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus database;Immunology and Allergy;Immunology
Issue Date: 26-May-2017
Citation: Langevin , C , Aleksejeva , E , Houel , A , Briolat , V , Torhy , C , Lunazzi , A , Levraud , J P & Boudinot , P 2017 , ' FTR83, a member of the large fish-specific finTRIM family, triggers IFN pathway and counters viral infection ' , Frontiers in Immunology , vol. 8 , no. MAY , 617 .
Abstract: Tripartite motif (TRIM) proteins are involved in various cellular functions and constitute key factors of the antiviral innate immune response. TRIM proteins can bind viral particles directly, sending them to degradation by the proteasome, or ubiquitinate signaling molecules leading to upregulation of innate immunity. TRIM proteins are present in across metazoans but are particularly numerous in vertebrates where genes comprising a B30.2 domain have been often duplicated. In fish, a TRIM subset named finTRIM is highly diversified, with large gene numbers and clear signatures of positive selection in the B30.2 domain suggesting they may be involved in antiviral mechanisms. finTRIM provides a beautiful model to investigate the primordial implication of B30.2 TRIM subsets in the arsenal of vertebrate antiviral defenses. We show here that ftr83, a zebrafish fintrim gene mainly expressed in the gills, skin and pharynx, encodes a protein affording a potent antiviral activity. In vitro, overexpression of FTR83, but not of its close relative FTR82, induced IFN and IFN-stimulated gene expression and afforded protection against different enveloped and non-enveloped RNA viruses. The kinetics of IFN induction paralleled the development of the antiviral activity, which was abolished by a dominant negative IRF3 mutant. In the context of a viral infection, FTR83 potentiated the IFN response. Expression of chimeric proteins in which the B30.2 domain of FTR83 and the non-protective FTR82 had been exchanged, showed that IFN upregulation and antiviral activity requires both the Ring/BBox/Coiled coil domain (supporting E3 ubiquitin ligase) and the B30.2 domain of FTR83. Finally, loss of function experiments in zebrafish embryos confirms that ftr83 mediates antiviral activity in vivo. Our results show that a member of the largest TRIM subset observed in fish upregulates type I IFN response and afford protection against viral infections, supporting that TRIMs are key antiviral factors across vertebrates.
Description: Publisher Copyright: © 2017 Langevin, Aleksejeva, Houel, Briolat, Torhy, Lunazzi, Levraud and Boudinot.
DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00617
ISSN: 1664-3224
Appears in Collections:Research outputs from Pure / Zinātniskās darbības rezultāti no ZDIS Pure

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