Title: Human resources management in "iDealGroup"
Other Titles: Cilvēkresursu vadība organizācijā "iDeal Group"
Authors: Olga Leontjeva
Juris Zālītis
Sociālo zinātņu fakultāte
Faculty of Social Sciences
Keywords: HRM - Human Resource Management
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
Rīga Stradiņš University
The topic of this bachelor thesis is “Human Resources Management in Organization “iDeal Group””. This work aims to understand the efficiency of Human Resource management in the company chosen, including a deeper-level analysis on how HRM is handled throughout the world compared to the chosen company. This comparison includes understanding the main differences, similarities and possible missing pieces in HR management for the chosen company, with the goal of providing possible guidelines for the company to elevate their performance and efficiency in terms of their Human Resources. The bachelor thesis will consist of three parts, which will revolve around the research objects – HR management and strategies, employee efficiency and well-being. First chapter will consist of theoretical research. This chapter will explore on what HRM is, an overview of the history of human resource management and how it is handled nowadays, explain what HRM strategy is and what role it plays, and what makes it efficient. Second chapter of this work will focus on analyzing how human resources are managed in “iDeal Group” and identifying their strategy. After that, third chapter will focus on gathering internal information from experts revolving the company and highlighting the main findings. Main goal is to identify the differences, find possible problems and provide solutions to them, in order to ensure more efficient HR management within the company. Solutions will be proposed in a form of guidelines. Results of the research revealed an absence of a key component in company’s HR management and strategy – A dedicated HR professional. With the implementation of this designated professional, “iDeal Group” could relieve the extra pressure which has been put on the shoulders of other senior-members of the company, resulting in better results and higher output levels, not only for some experts, but for company’s efficiency in general. The work consists of 54 pages, 26 references and 11 pictures, author’s created illustrations on materials analyzed.
Description: Starptautiskais bizness un jaunuzņēmumu darbība
International Business and Start-up Entrepreneurship
Vadība, administrēšana un nekustamo īpašumu pārvaldība
Management, Administration and Real Estate Management
Appears in Collections:Bakalaura darbi

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