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dc.contributor.authorSatika, Mairita-
dc.identifier.citationSatika, M. (2024). Mūsdienu cilvēks Ēriha Fromma skatījumā: mīlestība. Filosofiskā antropoloģija III: Rakstu krājums. 177–192.
dc.description.abstractMairita Satika continues her discussion of Fromm by focusing on the theme of love in her article “The Concept of Modern Human Beings in the View of Erich Fromm: Love”. She looks at Fromm’s view of the duality of human nature, focusing on the solutions that the author proposes, which would also be useful for the modern man: how to recognise, develop and experience productive character orientations, how to overcome difference and achieve unity. The article describes forms of love and pseudo-love, it also discusses Fromm’s practice of the art of love in comparison with mindfulness practices. Fromm is convinced that love is an attitude, an orientation of character, the conscious living of which makes it possible to experience unity and connection with oneself, with the object of love, and simultaneously with the world as a whole. He describes the most common forms of love as: maternal, fraternal and erotic love. In order to grasp the variety of possible models of child-parent relationships, Fromm also discusses forms of neurotic love that have a negative impact on a child’s personality development and, consequently, on their future relationships, such as a boy’s attachment to his mother in a manner that is inappropriate for his age or an exaggerated attachment to his father. Erotic love can also be inadequate – impulsive indulgence in experience of “falling in love”, superficiality of the relationship, deliberate unwillingness to get to know the partner, which inevitably contributes to transience of the experience. Elmo-love and sentimental love are forms of pseudo-love rooted in immature personality’s perception of the world. Fromm sees God’s love as a special form of love. Beyond the pleasant states that mindfulness practice can foster, the most valuable benefit is the transformed character qualities that have a significant and beneficial impact on our daily lives – the relationship with ourselves and others. Spontaneous realisation of one’s true self enables one to experience oneness with the world, which is expressed in oneness with other people, with nature and also with oneself. Love and work, on the other hand, are an essential part of spontaneity. Mature love, which strives for unity without losing the individuality of the parties involved, and work as a creative process through which unity is experienced.en
dc.description.abstractMairita Satika rakstā “Mūsdienu cilvēks Ēriha Fromma skatījumā: mīlestība” pievēršas mīlestības tēmai. Viņa aplūko Ēriha Fromma skatījumu uz cilvēka dabas dualitāti, pievēršot uzmanību autora piedāvātajiem risinājumiem, kuri būtu noderīgi arī mūsdienu cilvēkam, – kā atpazīt, attīstīt un piedzīvot produktīvas rakstura orientācijas, kā pārvarēt atšķirtību un sasniegt vienotību. Rakstā tiek pētītas mīlestības formas un pseidomīlestības izpausmes, kā arī raksturota Fromma mīlestības mākslas prakse, salīdzinot ar apzinātības praksēm.lv_LV
dc.publisherRīgas Stradiņa universitātelv_LV
dc.relation.ispartofFilosofiskā antropoloģija III: Rakstu krājumslv_LV
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International*
dc.subjectDieva mīlestībalv_LV
dc.subjectĒ. Frommslv_LV
dc.subjectapzinātības prakselv_LV
dc.subject.other6.3. Filozofija, reliģija, ētika. Filozofiskās antropoloģijas apakšnozarelv_LV
dc.titleMūsdienu cilvēks Ēriha Fromma skatījumā: mīlestībalv_LV
dc.title.alternativeThe Concept of Modern Human Beings in the View of Erich Fromm: Love: Summaryen
Appears in Collections:Rakstu krājums "Filosofiskā antropoloģija III"

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