Title: Dzemdību indukcija un krūts zīdīšanas uzsākšana
Other Titles: Induction of labour and start of breastfeeding
Authors: Valentīna Beļavska
Viktorija Tihomirova
Sabiedrības veselības un sociālās labklājības fakultāte
Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare
Keywords: dzemdību indukcija;krūts zīdīšana;oksitocīns;amniotomija;prostaglandīni;Bišopa skala.;labour induction;breastfeeding;oxytocin;amniotomy;prostaglandins;Bishop score.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
Rīga Stradiņš University
Abstract: Inducētas dzemdības ir dzemdības, kas ir izsauktas mākslīgi (NHS, 2020). Pēc 2009. gada datiem, aptuveni 23% grūtniecēm Amerikas Savienotās Valstīs tika pielietota dzemdību indukcija, kas ir vairāk nekā divas reizes biežāk, salīdzīnot ar 1990. gada datiem, kad dzemdību indukciju pielietošanas biežums bija 9,5% (Geeta K. Swamym, et. al 2012). Galvenais dzemdību indukcijas mērķis ir panākt vaginālas dzemdības, izraisot dzemdes kontrakcijas pirms spontāno dzemdību kontrakciju parādīšanās. Dzemdību indukcija ir nepieciešama gadījumos, kad ir redzami riski auglim. Tomēr, vienmēr ir jāapsver iespējamie riski un iegūvumi dzemdētājai un auglim (Geeta K. Swamym, et al. 2012).
Induced labor is labor that has been induced artificially (NHS, 2020). According to 2009 data, about 23% of pregnant women in the United States were induced with labor, which is more than twice the rate compared to 1990, when the frequency of induction of labor was 9.5% (Geeta K. Swamym, et . al 2012). The main goal of labor induction is to achieve vaginal delivery by inducing uterine contractions before the onset of spontaneous labor contractions. Induction of labor is necessary in cases where risks to the fetus are apparent. However, the potential risks and benefits for the mother and the fetus must always be considered (Geeta K. Swamym, et al. 2012).
Induced labor is labor that has been induced artificially (NHS, 2020). According to 2009 data, about 23% of pregnant women in the United States were induced with labor, which is more than twice the rate compared to 1990, when the frequency of induction of labor was 9.5% (Geeta K. Swamym, et . al 2012). The main goal of labor induction is to achieve vaginal delivery by inducing uterine contractions before the onset of spontaneous labor contractions. Induction of labor is necessary in cases where risks to the fetus are apparent. However, the potential risks and benefits for the mother and the fetus must always be considered (Geeta K. Swamym, et al. 2012).
Description: Vecmāte
Veselības aprūpe
Health Care
Appears in Collections:Bakalaura darbi

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