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Title: Human parvoviruses may affect the development and clinical course of meningitis and meningoencephaliti
Authors: Vilmane, Anda
Terentjeva, Anna
Tamosiunas, Paulius L.
Suna, Normunds
Suna, Inga
Petraityte‐Burneikiene, Rasa
Murovska, Modra
Rasa-Dzelzkaleja, Santa
Nora- Krukle, Zaiga
Keywords: human parvovirus B19;human bocaviruses 1–4;human parvovirus 4;meningitis;;meningoencephalitis
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2020
Abstract: Meningitis and meningoencephalitis are neurological inflammatory diseases, and although routine diagnostics include testing of a wide range of pathogens, still in many cases, no causative agent is detected. Human parvovirus B19 (B19V), human bocaviruses 1–4 (HBoV1–4), and human parvovirus 4 (hPARV4) are members of the Parvoviridae family and are associated with a wide range of clinical manifestations including neurological disorders. The main aim of this study was to determine whether human parvoviruses infection markers are present among patients with meningitis/meningoencephalitis in Latvia as well as to clarify the role of these viruses on the clinical course of the mentioned diseases. Our study revealed HBoV1–4 and B19V genomic sequences in 52.38% and 16.67% of patients, respectively. Furthermore, symptoms such as the presence of a headache and its severity, fatigue, disorientation, and difficulties to concentrate were significantly frequently present in patients with active parvovirus infection in comparison with parvoviruses negative patients, therefore we suggest that HBoV1–4 and B19V infection should be included in the diagnostics to reduce the number of meningitis/meningoencephalitis with unknown/unexplained etiology.
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