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dc.contributor.advisorŽanna Martinsone-
dc.contributor.authorNabi Nabiel Efrem Araia-
dc.contributor.otherĀrvalstu studentu nodaļalv-LV
dc.contributor.otherInternational Student Departmenten-UK
dc.descriptionVeselības aprūpelv-LV
dc.descriptionHealth Careen-UK
dc.description.abstractIevads: Kolorektālais vēzis ir otrs nāvējošākais ļaundabīgais audzējs, kas visvairāk saistīts ar dzīvesveidu. Diēta un vispārējais dzīvesveids ir jāņem vērā attiecībā uz kolorektālā vēža riska faktoriem un patoģenēzi. Mērķis: Šī pētījuma mērķis ir izpētīt, kā vide un uzturs var ietekmēt kolorektālā vēža attīstību. Metodes: Literatūras apskats tika veikts, izmantojot šādus atslēgas vārdus: kolorektālais vēzis, diēta, vide, šķiedrvielām bagāts uzturs, smēķēšana, alkohols, aptaukošanās, ĶMI. Rezultāti: Rezultāti parādīja, ka dietas un dzīvesveida riska faktori rada paaugstinātu kolorektālā vēža attīstības risku. Fiziskā aktivitāte un normāls ĶMI samazināja slimības attīstības risku. Smēķēšana un liela alkohola lietošana palielina risku. Profilaktiski pasākumi ietver šķiedrvielām bagātu pārtikas uzņemšanu, fiziskās aktivitātes un izvairīšanos no tabakas un alkohola. Secinājumi: Kopumā pastāv pozitīva saistība starp kolorektālā vēža vides apdraudējumiem un uzturu. Kolorektālo vēzi var novērst, ievērojot veselīgu dzīvesveidu un mērenu alkohola lietošanu, kā arī nesmēķējot. Fiziskās aktivitātes, ĶMI normālā diapazonā un Vidusjūras diēta samazina kolorektālā vēža attīstības risku.lv-LV
dc.description.abstractBackground Colorectal cancer is the second deadliest malignancy and the cancer that is most associated with the lifestyle. The diet and the general lifestyle are important parts to consider regarding the risk factors and the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer. Aim The aim in this study is to investigate how the environment and diet can influence the development of colorectal cancer. Methods A literature review was done using the following key words, colorectal cancer, diet, environment, fiber rich diet, smoking, alcohol, obesity, BMI. Results The results showed that there was a definitive increased risk of developing colorectal cancer with the risk factors studied. Physical activity and normal BMI decreased the risk of developing the disease. Smoking and heavy alcohol intake increases the risk. The preventative measures include intake of fiber rich foods, physical activity and avoidance of tobacco and alcohol. Conclusions In conclusion there is a positive relationship between colorectal cancer environmental hazards and the form of diet. Colorectal cancer can be prevented by having a healthy lifestyle and by moderate alcohol intake and no smoking. Physical activity, a BMI within the normal range and Mediterranean diet decreases the risk of developing colorectal cancer. A good knowledge regarding colorectal cancer and how the diet and environmental factors can influence the risk of developing colorectal cancer is all the humanity can do to prevent the disease. The trend of increasing physical activity the western world is beneficial for all human beings as sedentary activities are increasing. Another trend that is seen in the western world is vegan diet which is favorable for decreasing the risk of colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is where the diet and healthy lifestyle can decrease the risk of developing the disease. Alcohol and smoking are extremely harmful hazards that should be avoided as the risk of developing the cancer increases. Fiber rich diet and moderate amounts of red and processed meat decreases the risk clearly. Obesity and high BMI is another risk factor for developing the diseases. In conclusion, a rich diet with high intake of vegetables and fruit plus a healthy active lifestyle can clearly decrease the risk of developing the disease.en-UK
dc.publisherRīgas Stradiņa universitātelv-LV
dc.publisherRīga Stradiņš Universityen-UK
dc.subjectkolorektālais vēzislv-LV
dc.subjectcolorectal canceren-UK
dc.titleEnvironmental and Dietary Effects on Development on Colorectal Canceren-UK
dc.title.alternativeVides un uztura ietekme uz kolorektālā vēža attīstībulv-LV
Appears in Collections:Studējošo pētnieciskie darbi

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