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dc.contributor.advisorMarija Burčeņa-
dc.contributor.authorMiriam Narin Salih-
dc.contributor.otherĀrvalstu studentu nodaļalv-LV
dc.contributor.otherInternational Student Departmenten-UK
dc.descriptionVeselības aprūpelv-LV
dc.descriptionHealth Careen-UK
dc.description.abstractDepresija ir psihiskā saslimšana, ko raksturo slikts garastāvoklis, skumjas, intereses trūkums, koncentrācijas grūtības, un, dažās situācijas arī suicidālas domas. Dotajā brīdī, galvenā depresijas ārstēšanas metode ir medikamentozā terapija ar antidepresantiem, bet sakarā ar to, ka katru gadu pieaug depresijas pacientu skaits, ir skaidrs, ka ir nepieciešami efektīvākie pasākumi depresijas ārstēšanai un profilaksei. Antidepresantiem ir vesela virkne blakusefektu, tāpēc ir jārunā par citu opciju, kura praktiski nav saistīta ar riskiem – tās ir fiziskās aktivitātes. Daudzi izmanto fiziskās aktivitātes notievēšanai vai veselības veicināšanai, bet fiziskās aktivitātes kā garīgās veselības profilakse nav pietiekami labi izpētītas un novērtētas. Daudzos pētījumos demonstrēts, ka fiziskiem vingrinājumiem kā garīgās veselības veicināšanas metodei ir daudz priekšrocību. Šī literatūras apraksta mērķis ir izanalizēt fizisko vingrinājumu lomu depresijas ārstēšanā, analizēt vingrinājumu efektus uz smadzenēm un garīgo veselību, un izvērtēt, vai fiziskās aktivitātes spēj samazināt depresiju. Fiziskās aktivitātes ir nepietiekami labi izpētīta metode depresijas ārstēšanai un veselības veicināšanai. Ir daudz pētījumu, kuros fiziskās aktivitātes ir salīdzinātas ar antidepresantu lietošanu vai aprakstītas kā papildinājums medikamentozai terapijai un ir indicētas kā rutīnas ārstēšanas metode pacientiem ar depresiju.lv-LV
dc.description.abstractThis literature review discusses the role of exercise in treating mental health disorders, such as depression, as more and more people struggle with depression. Depression is a medical condition characterized by decreased mood, with the individual feeling sad, losing interest in things, having difficulties concentrating, and in some cases battling thoughts of suicide. In many cases the patient will also have somatic manifestations which may present as difficulty sleeping or oversleeping, and appetite changes which can lead to either weight gain or weight loss. Every year, there are approximately 800 000 deaths attributed to suicide and suicide is the second most common cause of death in people between 15-29 years. Depression is a common mental disorder, with over 264 million people affected worldwide. Apart from being its own disorder, depression additionally increases the risk for other somatic disorders and worsens the prognosis of already existing diseases, such as myocardial infarction, stroke, and diabetes mellitus. Currently, the main mode of treatment is through antidepressant medication. However, with a rising number of people experiencing depression every year and the large number of people committing suicide every year, the current treatment is not enough. A way to prevent depression or a more effective way to treat depression is necessary. While antidepressants come with a whole array of side effects, there is another option which is almost risk-free, mainly physical exercise. Many know of exercise as a way to slim down or to build a healthier body, but exercise as a means of promoting one’s mental health is an underestimated field. A lot of studies and research have shown what immense benefits exercise has on the brain and mental health. The aim of this literature review is to examine the role of exercise and which mode of exercise is superior in the treatment of depression. Furthermore, to analyze the effects exercise has on the brain and mental health and how depression is related to somatic disorders. Lastly, to evaluate whether physical activity can serve to decrease the number of individuals suffering from depression worldwide. The information presented in this literature review has been obtained from RSU’s online portal database where E-journals and E-books make up the main source. Research studies have particularly been acquired from Pubmed, BMJ Journals, JAMA – Journal of American Medical Association, AMBOSS, American Journal of Psychiatry. The conclusion of this literature review is that physical activity is an untapped resource for treating depression and improving health in general. There are many studies in which physical activity has been compared to or added as a complement to antidepressant medication. With results indicating the benefits of implementing physical activity as a routine in people suffering from depression.en-UK
dc.publisherRīgas Stradiņa universitātelv-LV
dc.publisherRīga Stradiņš Universityen-UK
dc.subjectFiziskās aktivitāteslv-LV
dc.subjectSmadzeņu plasticitātelv-LV
dc.subjectGarīgā veselībalv-LV
dc.subjectTreniņu intensitātelv-LV
dc.subjectAerobie vingrinājumilv-LV
dc.subjectPhysical activityen-UK
dc.subjectAntidepressant drugsen-UK
dc.subjectBrain plasticityen-UK
dc.subjectMental healthen-UK
dc.subjectTraining intensityen-UK
dc.subjectAerobic activityen-UK
dc.titleThe Role of Physical Exercise in the Management of Mental Health Disordersen-UK
dc.title.alternativeFizisko vingrinājumu loma garīga rakstura traucējumu ārstēšanālv-LV
Appears in Collections:Studējošo pētnieciskie darbi

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