Title: Immunohistoc.hemical Expression of HBME-1, E-cadherin, and CD56 in the Differential Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules
Authors: Ozolins, Arturs
Narbuts, Zenons
Strumfa, Ilze
Volanska, Guna
Stepanovs, Kaspars
Gardovskis, Janis
Department of Surgery
Department of Pathology
Rīga Stradiņš University
Keywords: immunohistochemistry;thyroid nodules;HBME-1;CD56;E-cadherin;3.2 Clinical medicine;1.1. Scientific article indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus database
Issue Date: 2012
Citation: Ozolins , A , Narbuts , Z , Strumfa , I , Volanska , G , Stepanovs , K & Gardovskis , J 2012 , ' Immunohistoc.hemical Expression of HBME-1, E-cadherin, and CD56 in the Differential Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules ' , Medicina (Kaunas) , vol. 48 , no. 10 , pp. 507-514 .
ISSN: 1010-660X
Appears in Collections:Research outputs from Pure / Zinātniskās darbības rezultāti no ZDIS Pure

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