Title: Dzīves kvalitāte personām ar garīga rakstura traucējumiem: situācija ilgstošās sociālās aprūpes institūcijās Latvijā
Other Titles: Quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities: the situation in residential care institutions in Latvia
Authors: Signe Tomsone
Dita Rituma
Rehabilitācijas fakultāte
Faculty of Rehabilitation
Keywords: garīga rakstura traucējumi;attīstības traucējumi;institucionālā aprūpe;dzīves kvalitāte;dzīves kvalitātes domēni;Keywords – mental disabilities;developmental disabilities;residential care;quality of life;quality of life domains
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
Rīga Stradiņš University
Abstract: Dzīves kvalitāte personām ar garīga rakstura traucējumiem: situācija ilgstošās sociālās aprūpes institūcijās Latvijā Latvijā dzīvo nepilni 22 tūkstoši cilvēku ar garīga rakstura traucējumiem un dominējošais sociālais pakalpojums šai mērķa grupai ir ilgstoša institucionāla aprūpe. Pētījuma ietvaros tika analizēti interešu aizstāvības organizācijas astoņu gadu garumā vākti dati par DzK nodrošinājumu 33 ilgstošās aprūpes institūcijās. Analizējot sekundārus datus ar indukcijas metodi un kodējot atzinumos identificētos indikatorus saistībā ar astoņiem DzK domēniem, tika iegūti tādi termini kā nabadzība, noliegums, sāpes, aktivitāšu deprivācija. Iegūtie rezultāti liecina par to, ka VSAC sniedzot pakalpojumu personām ar GRT netiek ņemts vērā dzīves kvalitātes koncepts nevienā no apskatītajiem astoņiem dzīves kvalitātes domēniem. Dzīves kvalitātes nodrošinājums ir būtiski sliktāks, ja personai ir dziļi GRT un kompleksi traucējumi. Liela nozīme DZK nodrošinājumā ir personāla cieņpilnai attieksmei, izpratnei un kompetencēm
Quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities: the situation in residential care institutions in Latvia Nearly five thousand people with severe mental disabilities live in state residential care institutions as they are unable to take care of themselves due to their disabilities. Research question Is the concept of quality of life (QoL) in Latvia taken into account and in what way when providing residential care institutions services to persons with mental disabilities? Objective of the study To explore the application of the concept of QoL in the residential care institutions in Latvia. Research methodology A descriptive case study was performed. As part of the study, secondary data was analysed – 33 reports developed by the LATMIL (Latvian Movement for independent living) on the quality-of-life assessment visits to the residential care institutions carried out in the period 2012-2020. QoL domains were identified as the unit of data analysis within the framework of the master's thesis research. The indicators related to the QoL domains identified in the reports were processed and analysed using the induction method. Results The obtained results show that the provision of services to persons with mental disabilities by the residential care institutions does not take into account the concept of QoL in any of the eight QoL considered. Assurance of QoL is significantly worse if a person has profound mental disabilities and complex disabilities. Respectful attitude, understanding and competencies of the staff are of great importance in the provision of QoL.
Quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities: the situation in residential care institutions in Latvia Nearly five thousand people with severe mental disabilities live in state residential care institutions as they are unable to take care of themselves due to their disabilities. Research question Is the concept of quality of life (QoL) in Latvia taken into account and in what way when providing residential care institutions services to persons with mental disabilities? Objective of the study To explore the application of the concept of QoL in the residential care institutions in Latvia. Research methodology A descriptive case study was performed. As part of the study, secondary data was analysed – 33 reports developed by the LATMIL (Latvian Movement for independent living) on the quality-of-life assessment visits to the residential care institutions carried out in the period 2012-2020. QoL domains were identified as the unit of data analysis within the framework of the master's thesis research. The indicators related to the QoL domains identified in the reports were processed and analysed using the induction method. Results The obtained results show that the provision of services to persons with mental disabilities by the residential care institutions does not take into account the concept of QoL in any of the eight QoL considered. Assurance of QoL is significantly worse if a person has profound mental disabilities and complex disabilities. Respectful attitude, understanding and competencies of the staff are of great importance in the provision of QoL.
Description: Rehabilitācija
Veselības aprūpe
Health Care
Appears in Collections:Maģistra darbi

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