Title: Military Tensions Between the US and China During Power Transition - the Taiwan Question
Other Titles: Militārais saasinājums starp ASV un Ķīnu varas pārejas posmā - Taivānas jautājums
Authors: Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova
Justīne Kante
Eiropas studiju fakultāte
Faculty of European Studies
Keywords: Amerikas Savienotās valstis;Ķīnas Tautas Republika;Taivāna;Varas Pārejas teorija;militārs konflikts.;the United States;the People’s Republic of China;Taiwan;Power Transition theory;military conflict
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
Rīga Stradiņš University
Abstract: The paper looks at the superpower transition of the 21st century. The research aims to determine causes of tensions that are present between the U.S. and China. To achieve the aim, the research firstly detects the level of satisfaction with overall international order from both of the sides involved. After determining satisfaction, the research looks at points of tensions that have the most implications within the relationships of the two superpowers. The results demonstrate that China feels dissatisfied with the international order and the main point of tensions, including the military aspect, is Taiwan.
The paper looks at the superpower transition of the 21st century. The research aims to determine causes of tensions that are present between the U.S. and China. To achieve the aim, the research firstly detects the level of satisfaction with overall international order from both of the sides involved. After determining satisfaction, the research looks at points of tensions that have the most implications within the relationships of the two superpowers. The results demonstrate that China feels dissatisfied with the international order and the main point of tensions, including the military aspect, is Taiwan.
Description: Starptautiskā pārvaldība un diplomātija
International Governance and Diplomacy
Socioloģija, politoloģija un antropoloģija
Sociology, Politics and Anthropology
Appears in Collections:Maģistra darbi

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