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dc.contributor.advisorArtūrs Utināns-
dc.contributor.authorInga Komarova-
dc.contributor.otherMedicīnas fakultātelv-LV
dc.contributor.otherFaculty of Medicineen-UK
dc.descriptionVeselības aprūpelv-LV
dc.descriptionHealth Careen-UK
dc.description.abstractIevads Izdegšnas sindroms mūsdienās ir aktuāla problēma medicīnas sfērā strādājošiem darbiniekiem. To iedala trīs Izdegšanu aprakstošās skalās: emocionālais izsīkums, depersonalizācija un personiskie sasniegumi. Darba mērķis: Noskaidrot Izdegšanas sidroma sastopamību Neatliekamās Medicīniskās palīdzības dienesta darbiniekiem. Materiāli un metodes Kvantitatīvs prospektīvs laika šķērsgriezuma pētījums, kur anonīmi piedalījās Rīgas Neatliekamās Medicīniskās palīdzības dienesta darbinieki.Respodenti aizpildīja anonīmu anketu, kura balstās uz Maslačas Izdegšanas sindroma aptauju (abbreviated Maslach burnout inventory). Rezultātā pētījumā kopumā piedalījās 100 darbinieki ar medicīnisko izglītību. Iegūtie dati tika apstrādāti ar Microsoft Excel 2016 un tālāk tika apstrādāti ar IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0 programmu. Rezultāti Piedalījās 34% vīriešu un 66% sievietes. Respodentu minimālais vecums ir 20 gadu, maksimālais ir 51gads. Piedalījās 21% ārstu, 27% medicīnas asistentu, 36% sertificēti ārstu palīgi, 16% nesertificēti ārsta palīgi. Kopumā iegūts, ka 35% respondentu (35 no 100) ir izdegšanas sindroma augsts esamības risks. Ar ticamību 95% augsta izdegšanas sindroma riska proporcijas dažādām amata grupām nav statistiski nozīmīgi atšķirīgas Starp dzimumu un izdegšanas sindroma riska pakāpi nepastāv statistiski nozīmīga saistība, jo p = 0,17. Starp darba slodzi un izdegšanas sindroma riska pakāpi pastāv statistiski nozīmīga saistība,jo p = 0,04. Starp darba stāžu un izdegšanas sindroma riska pakāpi nepastāv statistiski nozīmīga saistība, jo p = 0,27. Starp darbinieka vecumu un izdegšanas sindroma riska pakāpi nepastāv statistiski nozīmīga saistība, jo p = 0,39. Secinājumi Visbiežāk augsts izdegšanas sindroma risks ir sastopams ārstiem (45,0%). Gandrīz vienlīdz bieži (41,7%) augsts risks novērojams sertificēto ārsta palīgu vidū. Biežāk augsts izdegšanas sindroma risks ir sastopams vīriešiem (44,1%). Biežāk augsts izdegšanas sindroma risks ir sastopams darbiniekiem ar ≥ 1 darba slodzi (44,2%). Darbinieku ar 0,25-0,5 darba slodzi vidū augsts risks sastopams katram ceturtajam jeb 25,0% gadījumu. Biežāk augsts izdegšanas sindroma risks ir sastopams darbiniekiem ar 3-5 gadu darba stāžu (47,8%) un ar stāžu virs 5 gadiem (42,7%). Darbiniekiem ar darba stāžu virs 10 gadiem praktiski katram otrajam (54,5%) ir augsts izdegšanas sindroma risks. Biežāk augsts izdegšanas sindroma risks ir sastopams darbiniekiem, kuri vecāki par 30 gadiem (44,4%) un jaunāki par 23 gadiem (40,0%).lv-LV
dc.description.abstractIntroduction Burnout syndrome is an actual problem of the people working in the medical field nowadays. It is divided into three scales that describe burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and personal achievements. AimTo determine the incidence of burnout syndrome in State Emergency Medical Service personell Materials and methods Quantitative prospective time cross-sectional research in which employees of the Riga State Emergency Medical Service participated anonymously. Respondents completed an anonymous questionnaire based on the Maslach Burnout Syndrome survey (abbreviated Maslach burnout inventory). Overall 100 employees with medical education participated in the study. The obtained data has been processed with Microsoft Excel 2016 and further processed with IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0 program. Results 34% of men and 66% of women participated in the research. The minimum age of the respondents is 20 years, the maximum is 51 years. 21% of doctors, 27% of medical assistants, 36% of certified doctor assistants, 16% of non-certified doctor assistants took part in the research. Overall, 35% of respondents (35 out of 100) have a high risk of burnout syndrome. With 95% confidence, the proportions of high-risk burnout syndrome risk do not differ statistically significantly between specific medical position groups. There is no statistically significant relationship between gender and the degree of risk of burnout syndrome, as p = 0.17. There is a statistically significant relationship between workload and the degree of risk of burnout syndrome, as p = 0.04. There is no statistically significant relationship between overall length of the work experience and the degree of risk of burnout syndrome, as p = 0.27. That there is no statistically significant relationship between the employee's age group and the degree of risk of burnout syndrome, as p = 0.39. ConclusionThe highest risk of burnout syndrome is common between research participants who have doctors education (45.0%). Almost equally often (41.7%) a high risk of burnout syndrome is observed among the participants who have a certified doctor assistants position. Men have a higher risk of developing a burnout syndrome than women (44.1%). Employees with more than one full time workload (44.2%) are more likely to have a high risk of burnout syndrome. Among employees with a workload of 0.25-0.5, a high risk occurs in every fourth or 25.0% of cases. Burnout syndrome is more often common in between employees who have 3-5 years of work experience (47.8%) and with more than 5 years of work experience (42.7%). However, every second employee who has more than 10 years of work experience have a high risk of burnout syndrome (54.5%). High risk of the burnout syndrome is more common between employees older than 30 years (44.4%) and younger than 23 years (40.0%).en-UK
dc.publisherRīgas Stradiņa universitātelv-LV
dc.publisherRīga Stradiņš Universityen-UK
dc.subjectIzdegšanas sindromslv-LV
dc.subjectNeatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzībalv-LV
dc.subjectIncidence of Burnout syndromeen-UK
dc.subjectEmergency Medical Serviceen-UK
dc.titleIzdegšanas sindroma sastopamība Neatliekamās Medicīniskās Palīdzības dienestālv-LV
dc.title.alternativeIncidence of Burnout syndrome in Emergency Medical Service of Latviaen-UK
Appears in Collections:Studējošo pētnieciskie darbi

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