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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2010Pēdu problēmas medicinas darbiniecēm : Subjekt̄ivās sūdzības un podometrijas datiAvota, Marija; Raciborska, Anita; Avots, Andrejs; Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
1-Jan-2010Veselības traucējumi nodarbinātajiem ar organisko škīdinātāju ekspozīciju darba vidēVeide, Arturs; Eglite, Maija; Baķe, Marite; Čurbakova, Elvira; Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health
1-Jan-2010Late-onset hypogonadism : Review of the problemPožarskis, Anatolijs; Erenpreiss, Juris; Rīga Stradiņš University
1-Jan-2010Cytomegalovirus chronic infection as a risk factor for stroke : A prospective studyĶeniņa, Viktorija; Auce, Pauls; Priede, Zanda; Irbe, Inese; Vainšteina, Lana; Smeltere, Elvira; Millers, Andrejs; Rīga Stradiņš University
Jan-2010H1-antihistamines suppress wheal-and-flare reaction and skin blood perfusion measured by laser dopppler flowmetry : Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design studyBukovskis, Māris; Tirzīte, Madara; Strazda, Gunta; Jurka, Normunds; Ligere, Renāte; Isajevs, Sergejs; Taivans, Immanuels
1-Jan-2010Renal anaemia : The role of haemoglobin control in patients with chronic kidney diseaseKuzema, Viktorija; Petersons, Aivars; Černevskis, Harijs; Lejnieks, Aivars; Rīga Stradiņš University
1-Jan-2010Mildronate's protective effects in the peripheral nervous system : Stavudine-induced neuropathy and formalin-induced inflammationPupure, Jolanta; Rumaks, Juris; Isajevs, Sergejs; Korzakova, Olga; Puncule, Jelena; Svirskis, Simons; Kalviņš, Ivars; Kluša, Vija
1-Jan-2010Occurrence of growth factors and their receptors in tubal pregnancy-affected tissueKukanova, Anna; Pilmane, Mara; Rezeberga, Dace; Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology; Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
1-Jan-2010Organic solvents as chemical risk factors of the work environment in different branches of industry and possible impact of solvents on workers' health : Oganiskie škīdinātāji kā darba vides ķīmiskā riska faktori dažādās ražošanas nozares un to iespējamā ietekme uz nodarbināto veselībuǍrija Baķe, Marite; Eglite, Maija; Martinsone, Žanna; Buiķe, Inita; Piķe, Anita; Sudmalis, Pavels; Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health; Rīga Stradiņš University
1-Jan-2010Toxic effects of nanoparticles - differences and similarities with fine particles : Nanodaļiņu toksiskie efekti - atšķirīgais un līdzīgais ar mikrodaļiņāmMartinsone, Žanna; Baķe, Mārīte Ārija; Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health