Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: 10.25143/amhr.2020.XIII.05
Title: Comments on the Article, Combatting Venereal Diseases as an Instrument of Politicised Medicine. An analysis of the example of the Soviet Occupation Zone in Germany, the German Democratic Republic, and the Polish Peoples’ Republic by Marcin Orzechowski, Maximilian Schochow and Florian Steger
Authors: Salaks, Juris
Žalnora, Aistis
Toomsalu, Maie
Keywords: venereal disease;public health;legal regulations;Latvia;Lithuania;Estonia;soviet medicine
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: RSU Medicīnas vēstures institūts. Paula Stradiņa Medicīnas vēstures muzejs.
Abstract: The publication of articles by F. Steger, M. Schohow, M. Orzechowski 1 and I. Lipša 2 in the last two issues of the journal on the control of venereal diseases in the GDR, the Polish People Republic (PPR) and the Latvian SSR made it possible to expand joint academic interdisciplinary (historical, medical and socio-anthropological) research on this topic in four universities in Germany, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
DOI: 10.25143/amhr.2020.XIII.05
ISSN: 1022-8012
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Appears in Collections:Volume 13 (32)

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