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dc.contributor.advisorAlda Dzērve-
dc.contributor.authorInese Freimane-
dc.contributor.otherLiepājas filiālelv-LV
dc.contributor.otherLiepāja branchen-UK
dc.descriptionĀrsta palīgslv-LV
dc.descriptionPhysician's Assistanten-UK
dc.descriptionVeselības aprūpelv-LV
dc.descriptionHealth Careen-UK
dc.description.abstractKvalifikācijas darba autore ; Inese Freimane Kvalifikācijas darba tēma; Geriatrisko pacientu bronhiālās astmas kontroles pratība Kvalifikācijas darba mērķis; izvērtēt geriatrisko pacientu bronhiālās astmas kontroles pratību. Bronhiālā astma tiek uzskatīta par nākotnes civilizācijas lielāko epidēmisko draudu, jo pieaugošā gaisa piesārņojuma rezultātā saslimšanas risks jebkuram cilvēkam ir ļoti augsts. Jau tagad bronhiālā astma ir kļuvusi par globālu problēmu, kas ietekmē ap 300 miljoniem cilvēku visā pasaulē. (Chima, 2017)Pētījuma jautājums; Kāda ir bronhiālās astmas kontroles pratība geriatriskiem pacientiem? Pētījumā tika izmantota autores veidota anketa ar 18 jautājumiem un Astmas kontroles tests. Tika izdalītas 111 anketas un testi, no kuriem 100 bija derīgi pētījumam. Pētījuma rezultāti tika apkopoti un analizēti pēc vērtēšanas kritērijiem. Galvenie pētījuma rezultāti un secinājumi; Geriatriskiem pacientiem nav pietiekošas zināšanas par saslimšanu un neatbilstoša rīcība bronhiālās astmas kontrolē.lv-LV
dc.description.abstractAuthor: Inese Freimane Topic of the paper: Control Management of Bronchial Asthma Amongst Geriatric Patients Aim of the paper: to evaluate the control management of bronchial asthma amongst geriatric patients. Bronchial asthma is considered to be the greatest epidemic threat of the future civilization, as the risk of disease is very high for everyone due to increasing air pollution. Bronchial asthma already has become a global problem affecting approximately 300 million people worldwide (Chima, 2017). Bronchial asthma is a particularly common disease in the western region, including Latvia, where all age groups are affected. In 2018, there were 2516 patients with diagnosed bronchial asthma in Latvian hospitals, of whom 1316 were over 60 years old. 304 people over the age of 60 died with diagnosed bronchial asthma in 2018 (SPKC, 2019). Geriatric bronchial asthma patients have difficulty treating their illness due to comorbidities. Studies have concluded that there are several factors that influence the treatment of bronchial asthma caused by complex medication regimes, poor knowledge of their disease, as well as improper use of medications - especially inhalers (Ga-Yong-Ban, 2015). Patient education is very important in ensuring stable and long-lasting remission of bronchial asthma. With regular medication, patients can improve their well-being, thus controlling their illness while living a fulfilled life (Daines, 2019en-UK
dc.publisherRīgas Stradiņa universitātelv-LV
dc.publisherRīga Stradiņš Universityen-UK
dc.subjectMeklēšanas procesa atslēgas vārdi: bronchial asthmalv-LV
dc.subjectgeriatric patientslv-LV
dc.subjectgeriatric asthma patientslv-LV
dc.subjectasthma controllv-LV
dc.subjectasthma causeslv-LV
dc.subjectasthma treatment.lv-LV
dc.subjectMeklēšanas procesa atslēgas vārdi: bronchial asthmaen-UK
dc.subjectgeriatric patientsen-UK
dc.subjectgeriatric asthma patientsen-UK
dc.subjectasthma controlen-UK
dc.subjectasthma causesen-UK
dc.subjectasthma treatment.en-UK
dc.titleGeriatrisko pacientu bronhiālas astmas pratibas pārvaldiba ģimenes ārsta praksēlv-LV
dc.title.alternativeManagment of bronhial asthma  amongst geriatric patients in general practioner’s practiceen-UK
Appears in Collections:Studējošo kvalifikācijas darbi

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