Title: Burnout Syndrome Treatment and Prevention Approaches in Physicians
Other Titles: Izdegšanas sindroma ārstēšanas un profilakses pieejas ārstiem
Authors: Jeļena Reste
Diana Romana Laskar
Medicīnas fakultāte
Faculty of Medicine
Keywords: burnout;treatment;prevelance;burnout syndrome;physician;burnout prevention
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
Rīga Stradiņš University
ABSTRACT Background. Burnout syndrome has become an increasingly prevalent phenomenon among health care professionals, particularly physicians. The implication of burnout among physicians are multifaced and extend beyond individual well-being. The quality of patient care can be compromised, leading to increased medical errors and reduced patient satisfaction. Additionally, burnout can contribute to physicians leaving their work prematurely, exacerbating workforce shortages and thus, affecting the overall healthcare system. Understanding the prevalence, causes and effective interventions for burnout among physicians is crucial for enhancing physician well-being, improving patient care, and ensuring the sustainability of the healthcare workforce. This literature review aims to explore the strategies available for treating and preventing burnout among physicians. Aim. The aim of this research paper is to review different strategies available to treat and prevent burnout syndrome amongst physicians. Method. Written literature sources about existing research on the treatment and structured literature review are being used to discuss the treatment and prevention strategies for burnout among physicians. The literature used for this research paper was published from the year 2002 and 2023. Results. Among physicians, burnout rates have remained consistent over recent years, with females more commonly reporting symptoms compared to males. Various factors contribute to burnout among physicians, including personal, organizational, and occupational factors. According to a nationwide study during the COVID-19 pandemic, heightened quantity of burnout prevalence and intentions to leave among healthcare professionals across different roles were revealed. Excessive workload has been identified as a key predictor of burnout. Interventions focused on physicians, including practicing mindfulness and leadership interventions, have demonstrated efficacy in alleviating burnout. Organizational-directed interventions, such as work-hour limitations and optimizing technology, are also crucial in addressing burnout. Additionally, effective coping strategies, such as seeking support or physical exercise, may prevent the development of burnout, while unhealthy coping mechanisms exacerbate work-related stress. Conclusions. The prevalence of burnout syndrome among physicians is a troubling issue that profoundly affect both their personal as well as professional life. Prevention and interventions of burnout among medical doctors have proven to be effective. Organizational-directed interventions, such as prioritizing the physician’s well-being by enhancing their work environment and working conditions have shown to be effective strategies. Providing physicians with more control and comfort in their workspace and fostering a supporting work environment can enhance their job satisfaction and reduce stress levels.
Description: Medicīna
Veselības aprūpe
Health Care
Appears in Collections:Studējošo pētnieciskie darbi

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