Title: Evidence based Lifestyle Modifications to Improve Severity of Psoriasis
Other Titles: Uz pierādījumiem balstītas dzīvesstila izmaiņas psoriāzes smaguma mazināšanai
Authors: Alise Balcere
Makhmudbek Rakhimov
Medicīnas fakultāte
Faculty of Medicine
Keywords: Psoriasis;diet;alcohol consumption;meditation;physical activity;smoking;sleep.
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
Rīga Stradiņš University
This thesis research shows how lifestyle modifications improve the life of psoriatic patients. Based on the thesis, it is possible to successfully lessen the intensity of psoriasis symptoms and enhance the general health of patients by implementing specific lifestyle modifications. This implies that including lifestyle alterations into comprehensive approaches to managing psoriasis can be beneficial, since it may lessen dependence on prescription medications and enhance long-term results. Promising results have been seen between the various examines studies.
Description: Medicīna
Veselības aprūpe
Health Care
Appears in Collections:Studējošo pētnieciskie darbi

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