Title: Advancements in Diagnosis and Management of Spontaneous Massive Fetomaternal Haemorrhage: A Literature Review
Other Titles: Sasniegumi spontānas fetomaternālās masīvas asiņošanas diagnostikā un ārstēšanā: literatūras apskats
Authors: Anna Miskova
Karina Korsun
Medicīnas fakultāte
Faculty of Medicine
Keywords: fetomaternal hemorrhage;fetal anemia;intrauterine transfusion;kleihauer-betke assay;flow cytometry
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
Rīga Stradiņš University
Spontaneous massive fetomaternal hemorrhage is passage of large volumes of fetal blood into maternal circulation during pregnancy or at birth. It is a rare obstetrical condition that is challenging to diagnose due to lack of identified predisposing factors, uncertainty about pathogenesis, and non-specific clinical presentation. Fetal anemia is a major complication following massive FMH and can lead to grave outcomes. Different cohort studies and case series were reviewed in international literature to identify the impact of spontaneous massive FMH on the course of pregnancy, possibilities of its diagnostics and management and maternal and fetal health implications and risks.
Description: Medicīna
Veselības aprūpe
Health Care
Appears in Collections:Studējošo pētnieciskie darbi

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