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dc.contributor.advisorJeļena Reste-
dc.contributor.authorViola Allegra Ehses-
dc.contributor.otherMedicīnas fakultātelv-LV
dc.contributor.otherFaculty of Medicineen-UK
dc.descriptionVeselības aprūpelv-LV
dc.descriptionHealth Careen-UK
dc.description.abstractIn conclusion, the predominant ergonomic risks faced by laparoscopic surgeons are static, prolonged and demanding postures. Prolonged static posture, especially in challenging positions, can accelerate muscle fatigue and strain, with the neck region and lower back being the most commonly affected areas. Ergonomic risks are especially pronounced during laparoscopic procedures, where surgeons often spend extended periods focused on the operation monitor. Inadvertently they divert their attention from maintaining an optimal posture, accelerating muscle fatigue and strain, particularly in demanding positions. This issue is exacerbated further when monitors are not arranged ergonomically. However, findings suggest that implementing improved ergonomic layouts can lead to a decrease in musculoskeletal complaints among surgeons. The adjustment of table height is another crucial factor that aids in the reduction of ergonomic risks during surgery. Furthermore, the female gender, associated with lower general height and smaller hand size, is linked with an increased incidence of MSD in laparoscopic surgery. This highlights the importance of considering gender-specific ergonomic interventions to mitigate the risk of MSD among laparoscopic surgeons.en-UK
dc.publisherRīgas Stradiņa universitātelv-LV
dc.publisherRīga Stradiņš Universityen-UK
dc.subjectergonomic risksen-UK
dc.subjectmusculoskeletal disordersen-UK
dc.subjectlaparoscopic surgeryen-UK
dc.subjectwork performanceen-UK
dc.titleErgonomic Risks and Musculoskeletal Disorders in Surgeons in Laparoscopic Surgeryen-UK
dc.title.alternativeErgonomiskie riski un muskuloskeletālie traucejumi ķirurgiem, veicot laparaskopiskas operācijaslv-LV
Appears in Collections:Studējošo pētnieciskie darbi

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