Title: Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome among EMS Workers
Other Titles: Izdegšanas sindroma izplatība NMPD darbinieku vidū
Authors: Maija Eglīte
Rafael Alexandre Da Silva Cristino
Medicīnas fakultāte
Faculty of Medicine
Keywords: “burnout”;"prevalence";“exhaustion”;“cynicism”;“depression”;“EMS”;“healthcare”;“job performance”
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
Rīga Stradiņš University
BACKGROUND: EMS workers face high stress and unpredictable challenges which greatly increases their risk of burnout syndrome. This condition impacts not only their wellbeing but also their job performance. Therefore, identifying and understanding its incidence, contributing factors and impact on this vital workforce in healthcare is crucial. AIM: Comprehensive analysis of the prevalence of burnout syndrome among EMS workers as well as its contributing factors and impact on mental health and job performance. Examination of prevalence variations across different geographical regions and time periods. METHODOLOGY: Various sources were gathered to compile information on this subject. These include surveys, journals, research articles and medical webpages. Key words used in search include “burnout”, “exhaustion”, “cynicism”, “depression”, “EMS”, “healthcare”, “job performance”. The utilised sources are from all over the world and can all be accessed online. KEY RESULTS: Evidence points to high prevalence of burnout among EMS workers on a global scale with variations from country to country due to distinct features of the populations studied and the tools selected to assess burnout. Affected subjects presented with high emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. CONCLUSION: The alarming prevalence of burnout observed among EMS workers, underlines the severe impact of high-stress work conditions and insufficient support. While research indicates burnout is a worldwide problem, comparing its prevalence and impact across countries, regions, and throughout time is difficult due to the lack of a standardized burnout assessment method used uniformly across related studies so far. Findings highlight the grave extent of burnout’s effects and a pressing need for comprehensive strategies to mitigate it, all while emphasizing that enhancing EMS workers' well-being is essential for improving patient care and healthcare system efficiency.
Description: Medicīna
Veselības aprūpe
Health Care
Appears in Collections:Studējošo pētnieciskie darbi

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