Title: Occupational Radiation Exposure as Health Risk for Cataract Development in Interventional Cardiology
Other Titles: Starojuma ietekme uz kataraktas attīstību invazīvās kardioloģijas darbiniekiem
Authors: Žanna Martinsone
Praveenya Pahanmali Satarasinghe
Medicīnas fakultāte
Faculty of Medicine
Keywords: ionizing radiation and cataract formation;ionizing radiation induced cataracts in interventional cardiologists;prevalence of radiation cataracts in interventional cardiologists;radiation induced cataract treatment and prevention;radiation safety practice in cardiology.
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
Rīga Stradiņš University
The lens of the eye is an avascular ocular structure particularly vulnerable to the damaging effects of ionizing radiation. Recognizing this sensitivity, numerous studies have explored the incidence, mechanisms, and risk factors associated with ionizing radiation induced cataracts.This literature review synthesizes findings from animal models, genetic studies, and epidemiological research to better understand the impact of IR at various exposure levels, emphasizing the influence of common risk factors such as age, gender, lifestyle, and genetic predisposition. Cataract formation is a complex, multifactorial process. However, the relationship between IR exposure and the development of cataracts has become an area of intense scrutiny, particularly in the field of interventional cardiology, where professionals are regularly exposed to IR, primarily through procedures utilizing fluoroscopy and other radiological tools, elevating their risk for occupational cataractogenesis. This review will discuss the prevalence of such IR- induced cataracts among IVCs by assessing different epidemiological studies highlighting the concern of IR- induced cataracts as a serious occupational health risk. Furthermore, this review will delve into the recognition that even low doses of IR, previously considered benign, can contribute to the formation of cataracts. This necessitates a reevaluation of existing safety standards and highlights the importance of adopting personalized radiological protective measures for the individuals who are routinely exposed to ionizing radiation.
Description: Medicīna
Veselības aprūpe
Health Care
Appears in Collections:Studējošo pētnieciskie darbi

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