Title: Occupational Diseases of the Neck in Healthcare Workers
Other Titles: Aroda etioloģijas kakla slimības veselības aprūpes darbiniek
Authors: Maija Eglīte
Omar Malas
Medicīnas fakultāte
Faculty of Medicine
Keywords: Occupational diseases;healthcare workers;neck disorders;prevention;ergonomics;musculoskeletal disorders.
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
Rīga Stradiņš University
The research paper explores occupational diseases of the neck, focusing on healthcare workers who are prone to musculoskeletal disorders due to job demands. It traces the historical evolution of occupational diseases from ancient Egypt to the present day, emphasizing the impact of industrialization. The paper categorizes occupational diseases and specifically addresses musculoskeletal disorders as a significant concern for healthcare workers. Risk factors, such as job strain and manual patient handling. The anatomy of the neck is detailed, highlighting key muscles and vertebrae involved in stability and movement. Common causes of neck pain among healthcare workers, such as prolonged sitting, bending, and lifting, are discussed along with their ergonomic implications. Psychological effects of neck pain, including depression and decreased work productivity, are underscored, as are the social and economic burdens associated with musculoskeletal disorders. Treatment modalities, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological, are explored. Pharmacological options like NSAIDs and muscle relaxants are outlined alongside non-pharmacological interventions such as physical therapy and ergonomic adjustments. Patient education emerges as a crucial aspect for preventing and managing neck disorders, emphasizing the importance of recognizing early signs and adopting ergonomic practices. Finally, the paper stresses the significance of prevention through regular exercise, ergonomic lifestyle adjustments, and stress management to mitigate the societal and economic impact of neck disorders. In summary, the research paper provides a comprehensive examination of occupational diseases of the neck among healthcare workers, delineating their causes, effects, treatment options, and preventive measures. It underscores the importance of addressing these issues holistically to improve the well-being and productivity of healthcare professionals while reducing societal costs associated with musculoskeletal disorders.
Description: Medicīna
Veselības aprūpe
Health Care
Appears in Collections:Studējošo pētnieciskie darbi

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