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Title: | Cilvēka dabiskais stāvoklis mūsdienās |
Other Titles: | The Natural Condition of Human Today: Summary |
Authors: | Graudiņa, Elīna |
Keywords: | Cilvēka dabiskais stāvoklis;Im. Kants;vērtības;humānisms;totalitārisms;postpatiesības laikmets;J. Hābermāss |
Issue Date: | 2024 |
Publisher: | Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte |
Citation: | Graudiņa, E. (2024). Cilvēka dabiskais stāvoklis mūsdienās. Filosofiskā antropoloģija III: Rakstu krājums. 247–284. |
Abstract: | In the first article of this volume, Elīna Graudiņa examined the “natural state” of human in the works of three Enlightenment thinkers: Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. Further research on the topic has led to the insights summarised in the new text entitled “The Natural Condition of Human Today”. The link between Enlightenment ideas and modernity begins with Kant’s anthropology. In this section Graudiņa focuses on the theme of values and its correlation with the concept of freedom, education, development of democracy and civil society. In this context, Hannah Arendt’s analysis of totalitarianism is relevant, which leads to conclusion that in totalitarian regimes human right to life is devalued to its lowest point. Crowd thinking is the key: the masses of people have reached a stage where they can believe in everything and nothing at the same time, they can think that everything is possible and nothing is true. The author discusses Habermas’s ideas in more detail, since the theoretical framework he developed is dedicated to discovering possibilities of reason, emancipation and rational-critical communication hidden in modern institutions and in man’s capacity to become aware of and pursue rational interests. In further development of Arendt’s thesis of power as a collectively constructed phenomenon, Habermas points out that political power derives from communicative power, which is generated in the public sphere between members of civil society. It is defined as the result of free interaction in the public sphere, where important policy issues are discussed, new ideas are generated, socially significant problems are solved and development of the country is thereby promoted. Habermas stresses that democracy is not inherently rooted in civil society or individual autonomy but in communicative relations, as these foster both mutual harmony and reasoned discourse. Consequently, education systems in democracies must be able to provide full understanding of the meaning and basic principles of democracy. Elīna Graudiņa discusses Habermas’s theory of communicative rationality in light of current problems. Namely, as the amount of information increases, so does misinformation that affects individuals and civil society, which is so important for democracy. Nowadays, every individual, whether in office or not, is able to address the public, not only by expressing their opinion, but also by influencing it. The threat to an individual is that there is a growing disbelief in facts, in science, in reasonableness, and a growing tension in society which could lead to the “state of war of all against all” as referred to by Thomas Hobbes. Communities of supporters of certain ideas are formed in the vast information space, which, without verifying veracity of the information, end up denying the role of public institutions. The author quotes Timothy Snyder, who argues that the individual begins to succumb to tyranny the moment he fails to notice the difference between what he wants to hear and what is actually the case. Against the background of the problems of the present, Kant’s insights, discussed at the beginning of the article, on the nature of man, which allows a free choice of the path of moral life – one can choose good or evil – are particularly relevant. Actions are not necessarily contrary to the law, but the mindset of their subject can be corrupted, and that subject can therefore be considered evil. Elīna Graudiņa šī sējuma pirmajā rakstā aplūko cilvēka dabisko stāvokli triju apgaismības domātāju – Hobsa, Loka un Ruso – skatījumā. Likumsakarīgi, ka turpmākajā tēmas izpētē autore ir nonākusi līdz atziņām, kuras apkopotas jaunā tekstā ar nosaukumu “Cilvēka dabiskais stāvoklis mūsdienās”. Apgaismības ideju sasaiste ar mūsdienām aizsākas ar I. Kanta antropoloģiju. Tālākajā izklāstā E. Graudiņa pievēršas vērtību tēmai, tās korelācijai ar brīvības jēdzienu, izglītību, demokrātijas un pilsoniskās sabiedrības attīstību. Šajā kontekstā būtisks ir Hannas Ārentes totalitārisma analīzes aplūkojums, no kura izriet secinājums, ka totalitārajos režīmos cilvēka tiesības uz dzīvību tiek nonivelētas līdz zemākajam punktam. Noteicošā ir pūļa domāšana – cilvēku masas sasniegušas tādu stadiju, kad tās vienlaicīgi var ticēt visam un nekam, domāt, ka viss ir iespējams un nekas nav patiess. E. Graudiņa aplūko arī J. Hābermāsa komunikatīvās racionalitātes teoriju tagadnes aktuālo problēmu gaismā. Proti, pieaugot informācijas daudzumam, pieaug arī dezinformācijas apjoms, kas ietekmē indivīdu un demokrātijai tik nozīmīgo pilsonisko sabiedrību. Autore citē Timotiju Snaideru, kurš apgalvo, ka indivīds sāk pakļauties tirānijai tajā brīdī, kad neievēro atšķirību starp to, ko grib dzirdēt, un to, kā ir patiesībā. |
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ISBN: | 978-9934-618-39-0 |
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Appears in Collections: | Rakstu krājums "Filosofiskā antropoloģija III" |
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