Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: 10.2478/bjes-2023-0006
Title: Attitudes Towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship among Students : A Pilot Study in Latvia and Lithuania
Authors: Titko, Jelena
Tambovceva, Tatjana
Atstāja, Dzintra
Lapinskaitė, Indrė
Solesvik, Marina Z.
Svirina, Anna
Uzule, Kristine
Keywords: circular economy;entrepreneurship;higher education;survey;sustainable development;5.2 Economy and Business;1.1. Scientific article indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus database;History;Sociology and Political Science;Political Science and International Relations;Law;SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth;SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2023
Citation: Titko , J , Tambovceva , T , Atstāja , D , Lapinskaitė , I , Solesvik , M Z , Svirina , A & Uzule , K 2023 , ' Attitudes Towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship among Students : A Pilot Study in Latvia and Lithuania ' , TalTech Journal of European Studies , vol. 13 , no. 1 , pp. 107-132 .
Abstract: Sustainable economic development is driven by sustainable entrepreneurial activities, generated by the personal attitudes of entrepreneurs. The present and future of sustainable entrepreneurship are shaped by the youth, including students, which is why it is important to understand their attitudes towards this type of entrepreneurship. Therefore, the key goal of the research is to evaluate the attitudes and behaviours of the youth towards sustainability issues and sustainable entrepreneurship. The current article reflects the results of the second research stage and aims at evaluating attitudes towards sustainable entrepreneurship among Latvian and Lithuanian students. The results reveal that gender/age affect personal environmental attitudes, however gender/age has no effect on personal willingness to start a sustainable business. The analysis results of the personal attitudes to sustainable entrepreneurship differ by age and gender. Gender has no effect and age strongly affects personal attitudes to sustainable development.
Description: Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Jelena Titko et al.
DOI: 10.2478/bjes-2023-0006
ISSN: 2674-4600
Appears in Collections:Research outputs from Pure / Zinātniskās darbības rezultāti no ZDIS Pure

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