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dc.contributor.advisorIeva Bāgante-
dc.contributor.authorAlaa Zahra-
dc.contributor.otherZobārstniecības fakultātelv-LV
dc.contributor.otherFaculty of Dentistryen-UK
dc.descriptionVeselības aprūpelv-LV
dc.descriptionHealth Careen-UK
dc.description.abstractAcs ābols, ekstraokulārie muskuļi, asinsvadi, nervi, asaru dziedzeri un taukaudi atrodas orbītas dobumā, kuru veido sejas un galvas kausa kauli. Orbītas ir sejas abās pusēs – labajā sejas pusē un kreisajā. Acs orbīta pasargā acs ābolu un tam piegulušās struktūras. Piegulošās struktūras acs ābolam ļauj tam veikt horizointrālas, vertikālas un rotējošas kustības. Cietās aukslējas, augšžokļa kauls, vaiga kauls veido orbītas grīdu, kā arī sānu sienas, kuras pasargā acs ābolu un struktūras ap to no traumām, kā arī kalpo par vietu, kur piestiprināties muskuļiem, taukaudiem, saitēm, nodrošina neirovaskulāro pasāžu. Orbītas siena ir veidota no šiem kauliem. Līdz ar to, ka orbītas apakšējā siena ir veidota no plāniem kauliem, tā ir pakļauta lūzumiem. Ja tiek saņemt mehānisks trieciens pa seju vai ķermeni, var veidoties intraorbitālais spiediens, kurš var izsaukt mokošas sāpes acī. Apakšējās sienas lūzumi ( blow out fracture BOF) rodas, lai samazinātu spiedienu orbītā.Ir labi zināms, ka BOF ārstē ķirurģiski. Ja pacients atsakās no šīs ārstēšanas metodes, tad viņš riskē ar to, ka viņam var parādīties redzes dubultošanās, kā arī estētiskas izmaiņas, piemēram, iekritusi acs. Ir arī uzskats, ka vieglas pakāpes BOF nav nepieciešams ārstēt ķirurģiski, bet gan pašlimitējoši, nepasliktinot redzi vai arī neizmainot seju. Ir ļoti svarīgi BOF gadījumos veikt pacientu atlasi, kuriem ir nepieciešama ķirurģiska ārstēšana un kuriem nē. Ķirurģiskā ārstēšana sevī ietver sietiņa ievietošanu orbītas pamatnē. Darba mērķis: Galvenais darba mērķis bija literatūras datus ar iespējamām ārstēšanas metodēm orbītas pamatnes lūzumiem salīdzināt ar to kādas ir pieejamas ārstēšanas iespējas. Darba rezultāti: 1. Noskaidrot orbītas pamatnes lūzumu etioloģiju, patofizioloģiju un riska faktorus . 2. Apkopot pieejamo literatūru - publikācijas, pētījumus u.c. par orbītas pamatni, īpaši pievēršot uzmanību diagnostikas metodēm un simptomiem. 3. Izvērtēt nepieciešamo ārstēšanas metodi individuāli katrā no gadījumiem. 4. Izpētīt kā pēc iespējas labāk ārstēt un rekonstruēt orbītas pamatni.lv-LV
dc.description.abstractThe globe, the extraocular muscles, the nerves, the blood vessels, the lacrimal apparatus, and the adipose tissue are all contained within the orbits, which are cranial bones. Orbits can be seen on both the left and right sides of the head. Additionally, the lacrimal apparatus is located in the orbits of the eye. Each circle protects the globe, and the globe's supporting tissues allow it to move freely in all three dimensions (horizontal, vertical, and torsional). The maxillary, palatine, and zygomatic bones make up the floor of the orbit, and the walls of the orbit perform the functions of a physical barrier to protect the eye from severe injury, an anchor for the attachment of muscles and ligaments, and a passageway for the neurovasculature. The floor of the orbit is made up of these bones. Because of its location and the thin bone walls that surround it, it is prone to fractures, and the tibia is the bone that breaks the vast majority of the time when one does. Following a significant blow to the head or body, the eye socket may experience a sharp increase in pressure, which can cause excruciating pain. This results in an increase in the level of pressure. In the event that the eye is put in danger by an injury, the delicate bone walls that surround it will break. This serves as a form of self-defense. The term "Blow Out Fracture" is used to describe this particular type of fracture (BOF). It is well known that a significant BOF requires surgical treatment; if the patient does not receive this therapy, they run the risk of developing double vision as well as aesthetic concerns such as sunken eyes. It is also frequently believed that a mild BOF does not require surgical treatment and that after the damage has healed, the individual will recover fully without any symptoms that linger after the initial injury has been repaired. When dealing with a group of patients, it is of the utmost importance to differentiate between those patients who require surgery and those who do not. The resulting shortfall must be corrected through the use of an implant, which requires surgical intervention as part of the therapy procedure. The following statements sum up the goals of this study: The purpose of this research was to conduct a literature review on the topic of orbital floor fractures and the various treatment options that are now available. The activities that are connected to this investigation are as follows: 1. To examine the etiology, pathophysiology, and risk factors related to orbital floor fractures through research that is based on a review of the current literature (OFF) to read an in-depth summary of all of the published research that is currently accessible and that focuses on the diagnostic procedures and symptoms associated with the orbital floor. Carry out an inquiry into the therapeutic grounds for proposing surgical intervention, as well as a literature evaluation of relevant research that has been conducted. 4. To look into and find theen-UK
dc.publisherRīgas Stradiņa universitātelv-LV
dc.publisherRīga Stradiņš Universityen-UK
dc.subjectOrbītas pamatnes lūzumslv-LV
dc.subjectķirurģiska ārstēšanalv-LV
dc.subject3D printēšanas metodelv-LV
dc.subjectOrbital floor fractureen-UK
dc.subjectBlow out fractureen-UK
dc.subjectSurgical treatmenten-UK
dc.subject3D printing methoden-UK
dc.titleOrbital floor fractures and treatment modalitiesen-UK
dc.title.alternativeOrbītas pamatnes lūzumi un ārstēšanas iespējaslv-LV
Appears in Collections:Studējošo pētnieciskie darbi

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