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dc.contributor.advisorArvīds Jakovļevs-
dc.contributor.authorKarina Biserova-
dc.contributor.otherMedicīnas fakultātelv-LV
dc.contributor.otherFaculty of Medicineen-UK
dc.descriptionVeselības aprūpelv-LV
dc.descriptionHealth Careen-UK
dc.description.abstractGliāli audzēji ir viena no sāpīgākajām problēmām mūsdienu medicīnā, jo prognoze nereti ir galēji slikta pat, izmantojot kombinētu mūsdienīgu ārstēšanu. Līdz ar to šai jomā nepieciešami jauni risinājumi. Cilmes šūnas ir viens no daudzsološiem gliomu pētījumu virzieniem.Pētījuma mērķa sasniegšanā lietotās pētīšanas metodes: veikts literatūras apskats (152 avoti) par specifisku, precīzi definētu tēmu. Darbā izmantoti 152 literatūras avoti, kas aptver laika periodu no 1940. līdz 2019. gadam. Vēsturiskie avoti (1940; 2000) izmantoti adekvāti. Pārsvarā darbs balstīts uz pēdējo 10 gadu publikācijām recenzējamos starptautiskos medicīnas žurnālos angļu valodā.lv-LV
dc.description.abstractGlial cell cancer is the most common cancer type in the brain. It represents high mortality rates, marked aggressivness, reoccurance rates as well as chemo and radiotherapy resistance. The origin and pathogenesis of this tumors is still unknown. Glioma Cancer Stem cells (CSCs) are seen as one of the most promising theorys of glioma origin. The purpose of this reviewto collect and present knowledge and criticisms from evidence based recources on the topic of glial brain cancer stem cells and their role in glioma pathogenetic, sustainability and treatment resistance mechanisms. Also, the objective was to provide overview of this topic multidimensionally, as well as to rise questions and discuss contradictions met in literature. Methods: 152 articles are used to compose this literature review. Article release timeline 1940. till 2019. Mainly paper is based on studies published in last 10 years. Data bases used : PubMed, PMC, Clinical key. Key words used for search: glioblastoma, glial tumor, stem cells, treatment, resistance, pathogenesis. For first part of the review was performed search for the most recent review studies on the topic of glioma. Conclusions: Concept of Cancer Stem Cells is allowing to connect numerous processes observed in malignant tumors and, if assumed as completely true, gives answers to important questions. It covers various tumor properties. Neural Stem Cells (NSCs) and Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells (OPCs) are assumed to be main two cell types, which are most likely to undergo transformation into Cancer Stem Cell and produce gliomagenesis. Tumor microenvironment is an important concept to be studied in alliance with Cancer Stem Cells because environment affects these cells just much as they affect it. Molecular processes in the tumor are not occurring separately but are affecting each other, leading to increase in aggressiveness and acquire of resistance towards therapy. Cancer Stem Cells represent encouraging therapeutic targets for emerging pharmacologic agents, therapy strategies end techniques.To understand molecular processes in CSCs and between CSCs and other tumor components – is a possibility to find new therapeutic targets.en-UK
dc.publisherRīgas Stradiņa universitātelv-LV
dc.publisherRīga Stradiņš Universityen-UK
dc.subjectGliāli audzējilv-LV
dc.subjectsmadzeņu vēzislv-LV
dc.subjectcilmes šūnaslv-LV
dc.subjectglial tumoren-UK
dc.subjectstem cellsen-UK
dc.titleAudzēju cilmes šūnas: to nozīme, patoģenēze un terapijas iespējas gliālos audzējoslv-LV
dc.title.alternativeCancer Stem cells: significance in origin, pathogenesis and therapy of gliomasen-UK
Appears in Collections:Studējošo pētnieciskie darbi

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