Title: From the Editorial Board
Keywords: medical historians;medicīnas vēsturnieki;Raimo Pullat
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
Abstract: Professor Raimo Pullat was born in 1935 and was graduated from the Faculty of History of Tartu University. After post-graduate work (1961–1964), he found a job at the Institute of History of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. He started as a scientific co-worker and eventually became the institute’s director while also serving as a university professor. He and another Estonian specialist were among the first to conduct ethno-sociological research in the Baltic republics of the Soviet Union. In 1972, Pullat’s doctoral dissertation was devoted to the subject: "Residents of Estonian Cities From the 18th Century Until 1940". He studied various historical issues which concern the residents of Estonia, Russia, Latvia, Poland, Finland, Germany and Sweden. The professor’s research has attracted international attention.
Appears in Collections:Volume 09 (28)

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