Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: 10.2478/v10046-010-0012-y
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dc.contributor.authorVeide, Arturs-
dc.contributor.authorEglite, Maija-
dc.contributor.authorBaķe, Marite-
dc.contributor.authorČurbakova, Elvira-
dc.identifier.citationVeide , A , Eglite , M , Baķe , M & Čurbakova , E 2010 , ' Veselības traucējumi nodarbinātajiem ar organisko škīdinātāju ekspozīciju darba vidē ' , Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences , vol. 64 , no. 1 , pp. 79-84 .
dc.descriptionFunding Information: The surveys were carried out in collaboration with TNS Latvia Ltd. in the frame of the Project “Studies of the Ministry of Welfare” of the National Programme “Labour Market Studies” financed by the European Structural Fund.-
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the study was to investigate the impact of exposure of organic solvents at work on related health disorders in Latvia. Two surveys were carried out with a total number of 2520 respondents. Retrospective analysis of incidence of occupational diseases caused by organic solvents was performed. 21.4% of employees indicated absorption of chemical substances through skin. The incidence of occupational diseases caused by organic solvents has a stable trend to decrease from year 2003. 58.8% of employees believe that their long-term health disorders are related to their work environment or work conditions. While organic solvents remain an essential working risk problem in Latvia, the data on exposed persons and their health disorders caused by organic solvents are not sufficient enough. Biological monitoring could facilitate early diagnostics of non-specific health disorders caused by organic solvents.en
dc.relation.ispartofProceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences-
dc.subjectexposure to organic solvents-
dc.subjecthealth disorders-
dc.subjectoccupational diseases-
dc.subject3.2 Clinical medicine-
dc.subject3.3 Health sciences-
dc.subject1.1. Scientific article indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus database-
dc.titleVeselības traucējumi nodarbinātajiem ar organisko škīdinātāju ekspozīciju darba vidēlv
dc.title.alternativeHealth disorders of the employees exposed to organic solvents at worken
dc.contributor.institutionInstitute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health-
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed-
Appears in Collections:Research outputs from Pure / Zinātniskās darbības rezultāti no ZDIS Pure

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