Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: 10.25143/socr.17.2020.2.072-088
Title: Kultūras ietekmes kriminoloģiskie aspekti : ieskats kultūras kriminoloģijā
Other Titles: Criminological Aspect of Culture: Insight into Cultural Criminology
Authors: Kipāne, Aldona
Vilks, Andrejs
Faculty of Law
Keywords: criminal law regulation;criminology;culture;criminality;society;5.5 Law;1.2. Scientific article included in INT1 or INT2 category journal of ERIH database;SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2020
Citation: Kipāne , A & Vilks , A 2020 , ' Kultūras ietekmes kriminoloģiskie aspekti : ieskats kultūras kriminoloģijā ' , Socrates , vol. 17 , no. 2 , pp. 72-88 .
Abstract: Mūsdienu kriminoloģija ir izteikti dinamiska un inovatīva zinātne, un savas izziņas lokā tā ietver aizvien jaunas jomas un virzienus. Kultūras kriminoloģija iezīmē jaunas īpašas perspektīvas, kā arī plašāku ievirzi, kas pēdējos gados parādījusies noziedzības un citu pretsabiedrisku parādību un to nosakošo faktoru izziņā. Kultūras kriminoloģijai ir teorētiska un praktiska nozīme noziedzības fenomena izpētē un jaunu pieeju konstruēšanā tās novēršanā. Noziedzība un noziedzības novēršanas subjekti var tikt uzskatīti arī par kultūras elementiem. Mūsdienu civilizācijā dažādās valstīs esošā kultūra, uzskati, paražas, reliģija un vērtības veido mūsdienu daudzveidīgo pasauli, kā arī eskalē kultūras konfliktus, turklāt var būt viens no faktoriem, kas nosaka kriminalitāti. Pašlaik ASV un daudzās citās valstīs notiek vandalisma akti, protesti, nemieri, masu nekārtības. Tas ir pietiekami jauns fenomens, kuram ir kulturoloģiskas, politiskas un kriminoloģiskas iezīmes. Tradicionālie kultūras un vēstures simboli tiek barbariski iznīcināti. Represīvi pasākumi un atbildība par vandalisma aktiem ir rets izpausmes veids. Kultūrvērtības var iegūt jaunu sabiedrisko vērtējumu ar kriminogēnu kontekstu. The concept of cultural criminology refers to both specific perspectives and broader trends that have emerged in criminology in recent years. The authors agree that cultural criminology is a theoretical and practical approach to cognition and prevention of the phenomenon of crime. Both crime and crime prevention are considered to be cultural elements. According to the authors, crime and crime prevention are influenced by the meanings given by culture. Cultural criminology reflects the developed perspective, which intertwines specific intellectual threads to explore the fusion of cultural and criminal processes in modern social life. The question remains whether we in Latvia are ready for the development of a new sub-branch of criminology, cultural criminology. Cultural criminology has a critical perspective that explores the fusion of culture and crime in everyday public life. Cultural criminology as an orientation is based on a variety of theoretical traditions, including subcultural and interactionist theories, cultural and media studies, and postmodern and feminist approaches. Cultural criminologists use a variety of methodologies, including ethnography and textual analysis, to study crime as culture and culture as crime. Crime as culture focuses on common meanings of subcultural style and rituals between subcultural groups, while culture as crime explores mediation structures and criminal liability of popular cultural artefacts. In different situations, culture, its elements and forms can be qualified as causes of crime and can act as contributing factors to crime. Therefore, in order to better understand the role of culture in the criminological detection system, it is necessary to identify cultural elements and operating models that not only contribute to crime, but also reduce it. Thus, it is important to discover both the criminogenic and the antichriminogenic potential of culture. Cultural criminology is the control of crime in a cultural context, it is the activity of crime prevention agents, the influence of society and cultural products – as creative constructs. The nature and content of the information forming the cultural environment, the mechanisms that ensure its operation and determine the nature of cultural processes, the impact of culture on the nature of crime.
DOI: 10.25143/socr.17.2020.2.072-088
ISSN: 2256-0548
Appears in Collections:Research outputs from Pure / Zinātniskās darbības rezultāti no ZDIS Pure

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