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Results 11-20 of 249 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Nov-2013Dietary behaviour in students with different body fat percentLagzdiņa, Rudite; Blumfelds, Leons; Rumaka, Maija; Aberberga-Augškalne, Līga; Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry
Feb-2018Impact of intense pulsed light therapy on the quality of life of rosacea patientsKolontaja-Zaube, Inese; Ančupane, Inara; Derveniece, Andra; Zileviča, Aija; Ķikuste, Ilze; Department of Dermatology and Venereology
1-Jun-2018Overlaps in the Pathogenesis of Rosacea and AtherosclerosisZavorins, Aleksejs; Voicehovska, Julija; Ķisis, Janis; Lejnieks, Aivars; Department of Dermatology and Venereology; Department of Internal Diseases
Dec-2017Comparison of body composition and energy intake of young female ballet dancers and ordinary school girlsKalniņa, Līga; Selga, Guntars; Sauka, Melita; Randoha, Aija; Krasovska, Eva; Lāriņš, Viesturs; Rīga Stradiņš University
1-Jan-2011Neopterins, šūnu adhēzijas molekulas un mieloperoksidāze pacientiem ar stabilu un nestabilu stenokardijuTretjakovs, Pteris; Jurka, Antra; Bormane, Inga; Miķelsone, Indra; Reihmane, Dace; Krieviņa, Gita; Marksa, Iveta; Elksne, Karlina; Verbovenko, Jurijs; Bahs, Guntis; Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry
1-Jan-2011Seruma šķīstošā interleikīna 2 receptora alfa (sIL-R2α) un CA-125 kombinētais tests olnīcu vēža diagnostikaiMačuks, Ronalds; Baidekalna, Ieva; Nuķe, Inta; Doniņa, Simona; Rīga Stradiņš University; Institute of Microbiology and Virology
1-Jan-2011Trauslas X hromosomas sindroms : 13 gadu pieredzeDaneberga, Zanda; Krumiņa, Zita; Lace, Baiba; Bauze, Daiga; Lugovska, Rita; Rīga Stradiņš University
1-Jan-2011Mutes dobuma anaerobo baktēriju loma, kā arī sociālo un veselības faktoru ietekme uz halitozes etiologijuRostoka, Dagnija; Kroiča, Juta; Reinis, Aigars; Kuzņecova, Valentina; Department of Biology and Microbiology
1-Jan-2010Pēdu problēmas medicinas darbiniecēm : Subjekt̄ivās sūdzības un podometrijas datiAvota, Marija; Raciborska, Anita; Avots, Andrejs; Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
1-Jan-2010Veselības traucējumi nodarbinātajiem ar organisko škīdinātāju ekspozīciju darba vidēVeide, Arturs; Eglite, Maija; Baķe, Marite; Čurbakova, Elvira; Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health