Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: 10.3390/antibiotics13040305
Title: From Polymeric Nanoformulations to Polyphenols - Strategies for Enhancing the Efficacy and Drug Delivery of Gentamicin
Authors: Bārzdiņa, Ance
Plotniece, Aiva
Sobolev, Arkadij
Pajuste, Karlis
Bandere, Dace
Brangule, Agnese
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Keywords: gentamicin;antibacterial activity;Drug delivery;nanoparticles;polyphenols;natural products;synergy;1.4 Chemical sciences;3.1 Basic medicine;1.1. Scientific article indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus database
Issue Date: Apr-2024
Citation: Bārzdiņa , A , Plotniece , A , Sobolev , A , Pajuste , K , Bandere , D & Brangule , A 2024 , ' From Polymeric Nanoformulations to Polyphenols - Strategies for Enhancing the Efficacy and Drug Delivery of Gentamicin ' , Antibiotics , vol. 13 , no. 4 , 305 .
Abstract: Gentamicin is an essential broad-spectrum aminoglycoside antibiotic that is used in over 40 clinical conditions and has shown activity against a wide range of nosocomial, biofilm-forming, multi-drug resistant bacteria. Nevertheless, the low cellular penetration and serious side effects of gentamicin, as well as the fear of the development of antibacterial resistance, has led to a search for ways to circumvent these obstacles. This review provides an overview of the chemical and pharmacological properties of gentamicin and offers six different strategies (the isolation of specific types of gentamicin, encapsulation in polymeric nanoparticles, hydrophobization of the gentamicin molecule, and combinations of gentamicin with other antibiotics, polyphenols, and natural products) that aim to enhance the drug delivery and antibacterial activity of gentamicin. In addition, factors influencing the synthesis of gentamicin-loaded polymeric (poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) and chitosan) nanoparticles and the methods used in drug release studies are discussed. Potential research directions and future perspectives for gentamicin-loaded drug delivery systems are given.
Description: Publisher Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics13040305
ISSN: 2079-6382
Appears in Collections:Research outputs from Pure / Zinātniskās darbības rezultāti no ZDIS Pure

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